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Saturday, 7 April 2018


Dapler effect
Dappler effect: It came in the wave of wavelength and the frequency is the change that is felt by the inspector coming or coming away from the source of that wave. This effect can make you feel by the sound of the vehicle that approaches you and the changes coming in the sound of a distant vehicle.
If you see it scientifically, it is that the wavelength of the sound waves of the vehicle that goes away from you increases the wavelength of the sound waves. In other words when the wavelength increases, then the frequency decreases and when the wavelength decreases, the frequency increases.
Take a simple example, imagine that a player is throwing a ball every second towards the other player. If the other player is standing at his place, he will get one ball every second. If the player with a ball bearing away from the throwing player, he will have to increase in the interval of the balls he receives, i.e., he will get less balls in every second. In the language of science, the frequency of receiving the ball will be reduced. If the player with the ball gets near the throwing player, then the ball has to be increased in the version. Notice that there is no change in the version of throwing the ball of the source
The same effect happens on any wave (sound / light / X-ray / gamma ray). When moving away from the wave source, its frequency decreases, which means increase in wavelength. Upon approaching wave source, its version increases, which means decrease in wavelength.
Redshift (Red Shift)
Red divergence
Red deviation is the process in which the light emitted from a body is diverted to red in the spectrum. Scientifically, this is a decrease in the frequency or frequency of the lighted ray of light bearers compared to the lighted ray. In other words, there is a decrease in the frequency or frequency of light rays of light rays until light shakes reach the light.
The light rays of red light in the light rays are the highest in the ray of rhythm, so the deviation of red color in the spectrum of any color is called 'red divergence'. This process also applies to non-light rays (gamma radiation, x radiation, ultraviolet radiation) and is known by this name. The radiations whose waves are more than red rays (infra red, saturated wave waves, radio waves) This deviation is far from red.
Normally red deviation happens when light source goes away from the light observer, just like the Dapler principle of sound rays! This theory is used in astronomy to measure the speed and distance of the sky bodies.

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